This is the provocative and untold story of the Union's "hard war" against the people of the Confederacy, a war that included the shelling and burning of cities, systematic destruction of entire districts, mass arrests, forced expulsions, wholesale plundering of personal property, and even murder. Author Walter Brian Cisco explores with a passion matched by the force of his arguments how the Union army, backed by the Lincoln administration, deliberately discarded the civilized tradition of excluding noncombatants from military action. He moves chronologically through the war, examining how this brutal mindset determined Union actions across the landscape of the South—the pillage of Fredericksburg, the shelling of Charleston, the sack of Athens, the burning of Atlanta, the destruction of Columbia, the infamous "March to the Sea," to name but a few. Special chapters document the suffering of women and children in prison, and Union abuse of African-Americans.
"American who read War Crimes Against Southern Civilians will have a more sober and true, and less self-righteous, understanding of our country." Dr. Clyde N. Wilson, Professor Emeritus of History, University of South Carolina
"[Cisco's book] blows the lid off the conspiracy of silence about the violent, mass-murdering origins of the American Leviathan state..." Dr. Thomas J. DiLorenzo, author of The Real Lincoln
"Despite the spinning of romantic historians, hard evidence indicates that the invasion of the South is the American enormity." Dr. David Aiken, editor of A City Laid Waste "Every seeker of the real story behind the sanitized myths of American history should read this book." Dr. James Everett Kibler, author of Our Fathers' Fields
Thursday, August 9, 2007
"The Angel of Marye's Heights"
Nineteen year old Richard Rowland Kirkland of the 2nd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment must have stared in disbelief to se the enemy advancing. The young sergeant knew how strong the Confederate position was. This December 13, 1862, Longstreet’s Corps was firmly entrenched on Marye’s Heights, overlooking Fredericksburg, Virginia. Holding the high ground on Lee’s left, the Southerners were sheltered in a sunken road, protected by a stone wall, supported by strong artillery. It seemed incredible that the Yankee invaders would dare attack. But Ambrose Burnside was doing just that, hurling five divisions against the impregnable line. Wave after blue wave went forward, to be cut down before even reaching the wall.
At the end of the day, thousands of dead and wounded Union soldiers lay sprawled across the ground. All through that bitterly cold night, Sergeant Kirkland was tormented by the pitiful cries of the wounded. Moved with compassion, at daylight he loaded himself with canteens and slipped over the wall. Would a sniper’s bullet claim him? Kirkland went to the nearest sufferer and gave him a drink. Another he covered with his own coat. A cheer went up from the Federal lines. For an hour and a half not a shot was fired as “the Angel of Marye’s Heights” carried water to his fallen foes.
Less than a year later, Kirkland himself died defending his country at the battle of Chickamauga.
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you …” - Jesus, in Matthew 5:44
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