Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What's next?

Steve Spurrier, the NAACP, and sensitive souls everywhere claim to be horrified by that 48-inch square piece of nylon at the Confederate soldier monument on South Carolina’s State House grounds. If only it disappeared, all would be right with the world.

Granted, they’re still mad at Mississippi. But what about some of our other neighbors? The flags of Alabama (adopted in 1895) and Florida (1885) are clearly patterned on the Confederate battle banner. Arkansas’ (1924) seems inspired by the battle flag, and that of North Carolina (1885) had its origins in a design used during the War for Southern Independence. Georgia’s new flag is the very image of the Confederacy’s First National.

Why aren’t the anti-flag zealots offended? Are they truly that ignorant? More likely, these flags and other symbols and reminders of Confederate heritage will be targeted should the one in Columbia fall. The NAACP (“the Klan with a tan”) and their liberal white allies are never satisfied.

We’re reminded of what Charlie Condon, then attorney general, said back in 1999 when these bigots were demanding the Confederate flag come down from South Carolina's State House dome:

“In my judgment, moving the flag would be a victory for the extremist groups. They would immediately start planning their next crisis, their next outrage, their next demand. That’s what they do. Controversy is their business. It is not possible to appease the merchants of hate. It is a mistake even to try.”

South Carolina League of the South

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